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Emily // Lil Mama Bear

Caring for Cubs. Keeping it Real.

Hi, I’m Emily Wykes, and my job is to help you to realize that no one is more qualified in teaching your kids than YOU! I sincerely believe that God made no mistake in giving each child to his or her parents, and if you are here right now, chances are you are concerned about the influences on your little ones. 

Don’t allow anyone or anything make you feel unqualified to teach your children.

I created Lil Mama Bear Blog to support and encourage mamas of small children, homeschool or not. Homeschooling is not merely an option of education, it is a way of life. You don’t have to be home with your kids 24/7 to do it either, it begins the moment you call yourself a parent! I’m excited to share how homeschooling has evolved for us and to equip you with tools to add to your parenting toolbelt.

My family consists of my incredible husband, Ryan, and my three adorable daughters. No matter how many peas are smashed into the rug or how much laundry rises high as the Texas sky, at the end of the day I get to be home with my best friend and tiny bear cubs.

My family consists of my incredible husband, Ryan, and my three adorable daughters. No matter how many peas are smashed into the rug or how much laundry rises high as the Texas sky, at the end of the day I get to be home with my best friend and tiny bear cubs.

Come along with me as I strive to raise my daughters to be thinkers and creators in a world that discourages question-asking. I share lessons, activities, and experiences that we’ve encountered in our homeschooling and daily life, as well as how we navigate the world in our day-to-day. You will probably find me with messy hair and a t-shirt riddled with toddler slobber, but I’m excited to share the ideas I’ve collected and the printables I’ve created to make homeschooling engaging and fun for you and your learners.

I hope you’ll stick around to shop my printable store or browse my blog posts!



Watch my intro video by clicking below!