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free printable milestone checklist baby toddler age 0-18 months

FREE Printable Milestone Checklist

For Ages 0 – 18 Months

Ever wonder if your baby is reaching all the right milestones? When Genny was little, I often looked up articles to make sure she was developing at the correct rate. It can be easy to worry about these things if you aren’t well-informed. Put your mind at ease with this free printable milestone checklist! For ages 18 months and under, this checklist helps you to enjoy every moment of your baby’s life!

Created by a mama for a mama, this checklist contains some of the biggest milestones you’ll want to look out for. Of course, we remember the big ones, like rolling over and sitting up. But don’t forget the little moments, like making the /p/ sound for the first time or waving bye-bye. Instead, give your baby (and yourself!) plenty of time to master each stage. No two babies are alike, but we can still use tools like this milestone checklist to notice, record, and encourage these big moments in our babies’ lives!


As a bonus, I included some best care, responsiveness, and stimulation tips that your child needs from you! These three characteristics of developmental care are outlined in the World Health Organization’s publication Care for Child Development. Each one includes different ways that your baby uses your attention to move on to the next developmental milestone. Use these tips to ensure you are providing your little one with everything he needs to grow up healthy and happy!

Please Note

Disclaimer: The advice in these tips are not meant to replace medical advice from a physician or pediatrician. Please consult your pediatrician if you suspect any medical or developmental issues with your child. These tips do not replace the relationship between therapist and client in a one on one treatment session with an individualized treatment plan based on professional evaluation. All activities are designed for complete adult supervision. Please use your judgement with your children and do not provide objects that could pose as a choking hazard to young children.

Never leave a child unattended during these activities. Lil Mama Bear Blog and contributors are not liable for any injury when replicating any of the described activities found in this blog. This is not an exhaustive list of developmental milestones. Lack of achievement of each stage within the given time frame does not necessarily imply a developmental delay. Consult your pediatrician with any concerns.

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